School Counseling & Advising

Mission Statement

The mission of Fostoria City Schools' counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental counseling program addressing the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students. School counselors are professional school advocates who provide support to maximize student potential and academic achievement. In partnership with other educators, parents or guardians, and the community, school counselors facilitate the support system to ensure all students in Fostoria City Schools have access to and are prepared with the knowledge and skills to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.

Class of 2023 & Beyond - Graduation Requirements

Ohio Graduation Requirements have changed and will be in place for this year’s seniors and beyond.  The requirements are as follows:

First - Successfully complete your coursework, earning a minimum of 22 credits.  These credits must include four credits of English, four credits of Math, three credits of Science, three credits of Social Studies, and 5.5 credits of Electives (1 credit of Fine Art, .5 credit of Physical Education, .5 credit of Health, .5 credit of Personal Finance).

Second - Earn a competency score (684) on Ohio’s high school Algebra I and English II end-of-course tests, OR complete one of the following:  Demonstrate two career-focused activities, enlist in the military, complete college coursework (CCP)

Third - Earn two diploma seals.  These seals allow you to demonstrate academic, technical, and professional skills and knowledge that align with your planned next steps after high school.  The diploma seals can include OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal, Industry-Recognized Credential, College-Ready Seal, Military Enlistment Seal, Citizenship Seal, Science Seal, Honors Diploma Seal, Seal of Biliteracy, Technology Seal, Community Service Seal, Fine Arts Seal, Student Engagement Seal.  

FAQ: How do you earn diploma seals?

Below is an explanation of each seal and how it can be earned.

OhioMeansJobs Readiness Seal - Demonstrate work readiness and professional competencies through established rubric criteria. 

Industry-Recognized Credential - Earn a 12-point industry-recognized credential or group of credentials totaling 12 points in a single career field. 

College-Ready Seal - Earn remediation-free scores on the ACT in ELA - English (18) and Reading (22), and Math (22).

Military Enlistment Seal - Provide evidence that you have enlisted in a branch of the United States Armed Forces. 

Citizenship Seal - Earn a score of proficient or higher on the American History and Government end-of-course exams.

Science Seal - Earn a proficient score or higher on the Biology end-of-course exam.

Honors Diploma Seal - Earn one of the six honor diplomas, as outlined by the state of Ohio.

Seal of Biliteracy - Meet the proficiency requirements on both English and World Language assessments.

Technology Seal - Earn a “B” or higher in at least one CCP technology course or FJSHS course that meets the guidelines set by the Ohio Department of Education.

Community Service Seal - Complete 80 hours of community service over four years of high school. 

Fine Arts Seal - Earn at least three fine arts credits and participate in at least one extra or co-curricular activity.

Student Engagement Seal - Participate in at least one extra or co-curricular activity all four years, or participate in a total of six over four years.

School Counseling & Advising Office

Teresa Vogel
School Counselor (grades 7-8)

Chad Howard
School Counselor (grades 9-10)

Shawn Earl
School Counselor (grades 11-12)

Justin Depinet
College & Career Readiness
Advisor (grades 7-12)

Ruby Castillo
Counseling Admin Assistant
Student Records/Transcripts