A very busy elf (or elves) in FJSHS last night! I think Mr. Daring enjoyed their surprise!!
Thank you to FHS alum Stephanie Yu (Bethel) for providing our FJSHS staff coffee this morning!
Today, the FJSHS 7th and 8th-grade choirs performed Christmas carols for the Kiwanis Club's luncheon.
It was Christmas character day today at FJSHS and Yukon Cornelius showed up!!
The Jr. High boys had their first home basketball game last night vs. Lake. The 7th and 8th-grade teams both were victorious! Their next game is at home tomorrow vs. Genoa.
The FJSHS choir sang Christmas Carols today for the Fostoria Rotary Club.
Congratulations Andrew Norton!
Our Holiday Title Night is next Wednesday, December 14th, at Fostoria Elementary from 5:30 pm -7:30 pm. If you have not, please register using the following link or the updated QR code on the flyer by this Wednesday, December 7th. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmVCNQVYunW9cypXrNuVo4QCCp7LdPXWACii68NzXpBR09HQ/viewform
The Ida L. McDermott Chapter of the National Honor Society had its induction banquet and ceremony last night. Fourteen FHS students were inducted into this NHS Chapter last night.
Drug-Free Clubs of America is still taking applications for memberships.!
Mr. Angelone's science class had a representative from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources visit the class and brought a friend!
Great day at FCS!
Let's wish Ella and Garyana good luck at districts this Thursday!
The 9th grade took a field trip to Tiffin University for the Manufacturing Showcase last week.