District School Caseworker

The District School Caseworker supports students, families, and school staff. Their main goal is to enhance students' academic and social development while addressing challenges at home and school. At Fostoria Jr/Sr High School, the Caseworker also acts as the Foster Family Liaison, the McKinney Vento (Homeless) Liaison, and the Drug Free Clubs of America School Coordinator, collaborating with HOPE in Fostoria.

In the role of McKinney Vento Liaison, the caseworker ensures that homeless students receive the necessary support to continue their education, regardless of their living situations. The Foster Family Liaison assists students in foster care by making sure they are recognized, enrolled, and have access to essential services, which helps maintain their educational stability.

Additional duties include being the Handle With Care Liaison, which involves sharing vital information with staff, and managing the Caring Closet, in partnership with Imagine for Youth, which provides essential items to students and families in need. The caseworker bridges home, school, and the community, advocating for student success. They collaborate with teachers, administrators, and external organizations to create a positive learning environment.

The Caring Closet is donation-based and offers periodic support. The Caring Closet provides free personal care, hygiene products, clothing, and school supplies, depending on donations. Available items may include:

  • Hygiene: Shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes, pads, etc.

  • Clothing: Hoodies, shoes, blankets, etc.

  • School Supplies: Notebooks, pens, backpacks, etc.

  • Miscellaneous: Snacks, cleaning products, and accessories.

Availability varies based on donations and is not guaranteed.
Additional outside resources may be available for those with greater needs.

Contact Information

Tonya Hinke
District School Caseworker
FJSHS: 419-436-4110 ext. 1004
FES: 419-436-4125 ext. 1004