FCS Gifted Services
District Plan for the Identification of and Services for Students Who Are Gifted
Goals of Fostoria City Schools Gifted Services
Facilitate the development of the gifted child by addressing his/her unique needs socially, academically and emotionally
Enhance the academic achievement and motivation of gifted students by engaging them in an academically enriched and academically accelerated environment
Provide gifted students with the necessary tools to use effective problem solving skills and decision making strategies to prepare them for meaningful participation in society.
Allow students to have the opportunity to interact and learn from other academically and socially similar peers.
Identification for Gifted Services
A district-wide screening and assessment process is employed to identify those children eligible
to receive gifted services. The State of Ohio and House Bill 282 have set the criteria for gifted
To meet the state regulated standards, along with the Fostoria City Schools gifted plan submitted
to the Ohio Department of Education, a student must score two standard deviations above the
mean minus the standard error of measurement on an intelligence test, perform at or above the
95th percentile on a basic or composite battery of an nationally normed achievement test, or
attain an approved score on an above-grade level standardized, nationally normed test listed on
the current “Chart of Approved Gifted Identification/Screening Instruments” from The Ohio
Department of Education.
All students in grades 2 and 5 are screened annually using The Naglieri Nonverbal Third Edition
(NNAT3) for a possible Superior Cognitive identification.
Specific Academic Abilities of all students in grades K-8 are screened three times a year using
the iReady Diagnostic Assessment (Fall, Winter, Spring)
For specific scores needed in Creative Thinking identification, please refer to the Ohio
Department of Education and Workforce pamphlet titled "Assessment Instruments Used for
Gifted Identification”.
Visual or Performing Arts identification requires a score of 53 for Art, 34 for Music or 48 for
Drama from the “Scales for Rating the Behavior Characteristics of Superior Students”
(SRBCSS), along with a successful display of work for Art, a successful music audition or a
successful Drama performance.
Referrals/Transfer Students
Referrals for testing may also be made by the student (self referral), parents/guardians, teachers, peers, administrators and other related professionals. Fostoria City Schools provides at least two opportunities per year to test any child in grades K-12.
Any student transferring into the district will be assessed within 90 days of the transfer at the request of the parent.
In addition, Fostoria City Schools has additional tests available to ensure that we meet the needs of underrepresented populations. To request testing or reconsideration, please contact the Coordinator of Gifted Services listed in the margin of this page.
Once written parental permission is received, further testing is completed. Parents are notified within 30 days of receipt of any screening procedure or assessment results.
Parents have the opportunity to appeal test results. To appeal, submit a letter explaining your concerns to the building principal or coordinator of gifted services.
Gifted Service(s) Provided
Students identified in the areas of mathematics, reading, language arts, creativity and superior cognitive in grades 3-8 are served by a regular classroom teacher who has met ODE’s requirement for high quality professional development in gifted education and is supported by the gifted coordinator.
Additional Gifted Service Options
Early Entrance into Kindergarten, Whole Grade Acceleration, College Credit Plus and Early High School Graduation.
Does my child need to re-qualify for services every year?
Students do not need to re-qualify for gifted services on a yearly basis. Once identified, he/she will continue to receive services unless a modification is requested by the parent and/or gifted coordinator.
How is my gifted child evaluated?
In accordance with Fostoria City School policy, all student progress in the district is evaluated quarterly throughout the year. Parent conferences will be scheduled for each grade level in the fall and spring. At this time parents, students and their teacher(s) and/or the gifted coordinator will meet to discuss the student’s Written Education Plan (WEP) and progress. The student’s classroom teacher will also be a part of the WEP process.
Throughout the school year, parents are encouraged to contact the regular classroom teacher, gifted intervention specialist and/or the coordinator of gifted services to discuss student progress, ask questions, or present any concerns they may have. Contact information is located in the right margin of this page.
Written Education Plans (WEPs)
Are the primary tool for communication among stakeholders in gifted student learning and is required to count as services for gifted identified students in the Educational Management Information System (EMIS).
Include any modifications to the course content or instruction that change the depth and complexity of the learning.
Include goals and specific, measurable learning targets or outcomes for the individual gifted student.
Specify where the gifted learners can best meet the learning targets specified in the evaluation process.
The Fostoria City School District recognizes that gifted students need differentiated curriculum and instruction and support services in order to fully develop their cognitive, academic, creative and artistic abilities, or to excel in a specific content area, including opportunities to exceed grade level academic indicators and benchmarks. (0AC 3301-15-51 (D))
Contact Information
Linda Bertsch-Uveges
Coordinator of Gifted Services
Mr. Mike Daring
Fostoria Jr./Sr. High School
Mr. Matthew Szyndler
Fostoria Elementary