Congratulations, Lady Red, on the win today vs. Cory-Rawson today. Their record is now 10-1!

Fostoria City Schools is now on Twitter! Follow us @FostoriaPride

Our most recent Lady Red Lifter of the Week is Lyrique Johnson. Lyrique is a sophomore and her favorite thing about strength training is getting stronger!! Keep working hard Lyrique!

Our CCP Information Night is coming up on February 1st! If you have a student currently in grades 6-11 who is interested in taking college classes next year, please join us!

More information on Drug Free Clubs of America

Here is information on the cheerleaders' mini-cheer clinic!

We want to congratulate the following students for passing their industry credential class at the Fostoria Learning Center: Jesse Little in Welding and Angel Stuart, Hadley Lacourse, and Antonio Bernal in the Certified Manufacturing Associate class. All four of these students attended the Fostoria Learning Center ON THEIR OWN TIME to prepare for their futures. Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment!

"Making the Right Choice is Easy"
DFCA is empowering parents, educators and communities to build a drug-free youth. We’re creating effective programs across the country by combining five drug prevention strategies into one plan that works;
A Safety Net
Building Pride
Healthy Peer-to-Peer Influence
An Engaged Homefront
Knowledge is Power
"We are here to give teens the facts and support they need to make a difference, be successful and stay drug free."

Here is the FJSHS lunch menus for this month. See everyone tomorrow!

Here is the FES lunch menus for this month. See everyone tomorrow!

New directional signs have been installed for athletic events and events in the Performing Arts Center!

Congratulations Lady Red on the win over Otsego tonight, 70-26!

Congratulations to Fostoria Academy student Jesse Little and everyone else that recently completed the welding course at the Fostoria Learning Center!

A very busy elf (or elves) in FJSHS last night! I think Mr. Daring enjoyed their surprise!!

A BIG thank you goes to the Ohio Alpha Delta Kappa Psi Chapter of Fostoria. They awarded four instructional grants this week to four FCS teachers. The recipients had to show how this money would enable them to better meet their children's needs and instruct them on different state standards for their curriculums. Grant recipients were: from FES Lori Miller (2nd grade) and Elly Schnitker (PK), and from FJSHS Amy Masterson (Library Media Specialist) and Autumn Simpson (Intervention Specialist).

We had quite the mischievous elf at FES today!!

Thank you to FHS alum Stephanie Yu (Bethel) for providing our FJSHS staff coffee this morning!

Just a reminder, tonight's Holiday Traditions Title night is at the elementary building from 5:30-7:30. We are excited to see everyone!!

Today, the FJSHS 7th and 8th-grade choirs performed Christmas carols for the Kiwanis Club's luncheon.

More pictures from Leadership Day today. Thank you to all who joined us!